Our process

We begin at the source,

selecting the perfect timber, peeling the logs, drying veneers, and crafting cores before pressing them into superior-grade plywood sheets. Every step, from inception to completion, is meticulously managed in-house at our four factories in Vietnam. Each panel is thoroughly inspected by our team before shipment, and we oversee the timely delivery of your products to your door. Our job begins when we receive your order, and it isn’t finished until your EZ Click Cabinets arrive to you, perfectly crafted and ready to assemble

Always innovating

ezclick logo

Our brilliant engineers and talented craftsmen worked side by side to produce the EZ Click that allows you to assemble your new cabinets in seconds, with no power tools needed, no time wasted, and perfect results every time. You’ve bought it, you’ve built it. And we’re with you every step of the way.


We are committed to sustainability and embrace eco-friendly practices throughout our operations. Our wood comes from only sustainable forests and plantations; we plant at least five acres of new trees every day, and our flatpack boxes eliminate unnecessary waste. From sourcing materials responsibly to optimizing our manufacturing processes, we are dedicated to replenishing natural resources and protecting our beautiful planet. 


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Nunc quis dolor nec purus dapibus euismod a a quam. Pellentesque imperdiet ultrices dolor sed eleifend. Aenean laoreet libero in dui rutrum, aliquet laoreet magna interdum. Duis ac dignissim erat, nec pretium leo. Morbi imperdiet eleifend arcu sollicitudin fermentum. Quisque sapien ex, cursus vel ornare vel, posuere vitae orci.


Nunc quis dolor nec purus dapibus euismod a a quam. Pellentesque imperdiet ultrices dolor sed eleifend. Aenean laoreet libero in dui rutrum, aliquet laoreet magna interdum. Duis ac dignissim erat, nec pretium leo. Morbi imperdiet eleifend arcu sollicitudin fermentum. Quisque sapien ex, cursus vel ornare vel, posuere vitae orci.

Our Mission

We are a home-grown company rooted in tradition with a passion for innovation and a commitment to excellence. We use great wood, we hire great people, we build great products, and we don’t outsource.

plain & simple

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